The Eve Young Visconti Singer Scholarship

New Singer Scholarship Guidelines

Each season, new singers who are singing with PMAA for the first time may apply for the Eve Young Visconti New Singer Scholarship. The scholarship covers the cost of registration. The cost of music and performance attire is not included.

Scholarship recipients must agree to the following during the scholarship season in order fulfill scholarship requirements:

About Eve Visconti

image of eve visconti

Eve loved music with every fiber of her being. Her face would light up and she would become animated when music played, when she talked about music, and when she made music. Music was truly one of the great loves of her life. Singing with PMAA gave her so much joy. She thrived on the sense of community and loved the challenge of learning a new piece of music.

— Nathan Visconti

Eve used to say, "Music is the closest thing that comes to heaven. "She liked everything about PMAA — the music, the practice, the process of learning new songs, the affiliation with her fellow musicians, getting to know her Altos and others on a deeper level, and being part of the Board.She served on the Board of PMAA for several years because she wanted a healthy community of singers. She was involved in PR and press releases, she was on the caring committee (she cared deeply about all her fellow singers at all times, not only when they were singing), and finally, was the Alto Section Leader. Having a vibrant community chorus meant a lot to Eve. "Music is the soul and heart of our community."

— Ron Visconti